The story so far


since 2020: Advanced Software Developer with Next Level Integration GmbH.

Since March 2020, I am working as a software developer at Next Level Integration, a company of the Arvato Systems group. We are developing software solutions for the German energy market.

2017-2020: Researcher at TH Köln - University of Applied Sciences. Institute for Information Management, Team Information Retrieval.

I was a researcher and developer in the DFG-funded project “Smart Harvesting II”. Topic: Web Data Extraction.

As part of my work, I created a syntax highlighting plugin for the OXPath language to Atom editor. The code for this plugin can be found here.

During the project, I set up a database to collect curricula data on library and information science studies in German-speaking countries. To facilitate data entry, I created an accompanying web app with grails for CRUD operations, the code of which can be found here.

2015-2017: Researcher at GESIS - Leibniz Institute of the Social Sciences, Department “Knowledge Technologies for the social sciences”.

I was a researcher and developer in the Horizon2020 project “OpenMinTeD”. Topics: Text Mining, Information Extraction.

As part of the project, I contributed to the Social Sciences Literature Text Mining Software Collection:

I also contributed to DKPro Core by adding a module to allow the training of a new NER model for Stanford NLP.

2013: Internship at PlagScan

In 2013, I did a two-months internship at PlagScan, where I contributed to their plagiarism detection software. Specifically, I was responsible for implementing a routine that detects the references section in a scientific work, to exclude this section from further processing. I also helped in extending the test cases and contributed some new ideas to improve the match filter of the plagiarism detector.


2015 Master’s degree in “Information Processing” and “Phonetics”, University of Cologne.

Topic of Master’s Thesis: Information Extraction from Job Ads. Grade: 1.0

2012 Bachelor’s degree in “Information Processing” and “Linguistics and Phonetics”, University of Cologne.

Topic of Bachelor’s Thesis: Structured texts as input to a component system. Grade: 1.0